Sunday 1 July 2012

my first time, my desire

hello everyone..act, this is my first tyme typing for blogging site. before this, i'm only typing for facebook, formspring, twiter and etc lah. but this time wanna try something new and advance.

hope that i can share my feeling feeling with everyone plus, nak improve my english if i can.but x sure mane lah nak improve macam mane kan.

keinginan nak wat blog ni da lame sebenarnye.since final year sem 8 lagi. tapi disebabkan ke bizian yang melampau sangat, keinginan tu terkubur sementare. so, baru je balik dari UTM semalam, terus je create blog the next day nye. that means hari ni la next day tue.

nak wat blog xde la susah.tapi nak cantikkan tu sangat la susah.jadinye, wat mase ni, mcm ni aje la layout yang saye mampu buat. too bored rite??xpelah, maybe next day, next week, next month or next year, or next next year baru tukar jadi cantik like a eprincess punye blog kot.

so i think think think that's all for today.

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